Between Gianluca and Margherita the TH factor

10 November 2016

Between Gianluca and Margherita the TH factor The Italian Baja d’Autunno will also assign the title of the expired approvals


In its first edition, the Italian Baja d’Autunno will be decisive for assigning absolute and group titles of the national Cross Country Rally. The increased coefficient of the scores (1.5) gives a chance of recovery in extremis and therefore everything is still uncertain on the eve of the appointment.


Tomorrow in Piazza Castello in Valvasone the competitors will meet for the sporting and technical checks. On Saturday and Sunday the race will be staged on the track with reference to the “Valvadrom” and the “Mosele quarry”, close to the Ponte della Delizia on the Tagliamento river (all information on


MORRA VS LOPS. New duel in the TH group. Gianluca Morra (115 points), navigated by Luca Abbondi, presents himself as the favorite but must not make mistakes driving the Mitsubishi Pajero 3.5 V6 developed by Pavullo nel Frignano's Stop & Go. The driver from Novara, reigning champion of the expired homologations, has in his curriculum seasons as a dominator in the Challenge Fif and the 2006 Grand Criterium. Elvis Borsoi. Trevigiana di Falzè di Piave, sailed by Roberto Briani, finally gave vent to his passion for off-roading after an appearance alongside Chiara Zoppellaro from Pordenone at the Italian Baja 2015 and piloting a Daihatsu Rocky at Il Ciocco last November. At the Baja d 'Autumn she shows up with a Suzuki Grand Vitara prepared by Collodel 4x4. “I realized that I really like being behind the wheel - explains Margherita - and I hope to improve my performance”. For now she can boast two second and two third places. The top step of the podium is not a mirage.


Carlo Ragogna Italian Baja Press Office

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