An italianr sprint at the Autumn Baja

05 November 2016

Scudetto and Group titles are up for grabs. Last duels between Codecà-Lolli and Morra-Lops


Valvasone will decide the destinies of the 2016 Italian Cross Country Rally Championship. The last tricolor act will be staged in exactly seven days at the "Valvadrom" on the banks of the Tagliamento, five hundred meters north of the Ponte della Delizia.


The first Italian Baja in Autumn will award the Scudetto and the Group titles still in the balance thanks to the increased coefficient (1.5) of this new off-road challenge.


ABSOLUTE. Only mathematics still gives the Modenese Andrea Lolli a chance of victory (102 points) against the Milanese Lorenzo Codecà (141), who will compete in tactics to avoid wasting the booty built with successes at the Baja in June, San Marino and Nido dell ' Eagle. Both at the wheel of Suzuki New Grand Vitara, but Codecà has a petrol prototype while the rival runs on diesel derived from the series.


PROTOTYPES. Codecà (118 points), paired with Bruno Fedullo, has already won the success of Group T1, but the second and third place between Elvis Borsoi (67) on Toyota Toyodell together with Paolo Manfredini, Emilio Ferroni (66) remain to be defined who, however, seems to have to give up on the last appointment, and not even Mauro Vagaggini (30) is cut off from the game if he decides to show up at the start.


PRODUCTION. For Lolli (111 points) with the Udinese Francesco Facile, nothing is taken for granted in Group T2. The crews made up of Alfio Bordonaro - Marcello Bono (92) and Andrea Alfano - Carmen Marseille (76) will fight to the checkered flag for the title of the production derivatives, with the identical New Grand Vitara diesel. There are 37.5 points at stake for the first to arrive in this Autumn Baja and the speeches only close on Sunday 13 November.


APPROVALS EXPIRED. Decisive duel between Gianluca Morra (115 points) and Margherita Lops (81) in Group TH. The Treviso-based Falzè di Piave, sailed by Roberto Briani, comes with a 3500 cc petrol-powered Pajero, but it won't be enough for her to win if the Novara tread, assisted by Luca Abbondi, crosses the finish line on board his Vitara.


PROGRAM. Departure on Saturday 12 November at 10:30 from Piazza Castello in Valvasone and three passages on the selective sector “Valvadrom” (18.60 km). Sunday 13 restart at 8:30 and two passages in reverse on the selective sector called "Mosele". Arrival and awards ceremony in Piazza Castello at 11:30.


Carlo Ragogna Italian Baja Press Office

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