Artugna Race, new names on the top?

03 March 2024

Pordenone, 4 March 2024_ While waiting for the entry list to be defined for the now imminent 14th Italian Baja di Primavera – Artugna Race (15/16 March), taking into account that there is time until Monday 11th to register, one look backwards is intended as a tribute to the major protagonists of the immediate past. Competitions began on the "dry stream" three years ago after the Treviso experiment of Vidor (2019) and the stop due to the pandemic (2020), finding an alternative scenario to the beds of Meduna, Cosa and Tagliamento, less difficult for the vehicles at the start of the season.



CROSS COUNTRY BAJA. In 2021, Sergio Galletti from Bologna, confirming his excellent credentials at the wheel of a Toyota Hilux Overdrive prepared by the R-Team, deservedly won the victory ahead of the Czech Miroslav Zapletal on a Ford 150 Evo, who came to Friuli to test the vehicle in view of the his world championship commitments. Third place for Lorenzo Codecà with the Suzuki Grand Vitara who was paying for a speed gap on the compact terrain. In 2022, a winning move by Andrea Alfano from Varese on the Nissan Pathfinder Proto of the Ramingo 4x4 team, a logical victory with a deep margin for a T1 prototype against the second and third arrivals on the production T2, namely Alessandro Trivini Bellini on the Mitsubishi Pajero and Andrea Luchini with the Suzuki New Grand Vitara. In 2023, a Toyota Hilux Overdrive will still be on display, driven by Manuele Mengozzi from Romagna ahead of "Ricky" Rickler on a Mitsubishi Pajero and Emilio Ferroni on a Suzuki Grand Vitara.


SIDE BY SIDE VEHICLES. Overlooking the seals of the "pre-Covid" Primavera, Amerigo Ventura in the 2021-2023 for three years left no escape for his rivals in the light tubular sector, traveling at an unsustainable pace for opponents who were nevertheless tough and determined. Always riding a Quaddy Yamaha Yxz1000R cared for with passion by his mentor Angelo Montico. In 2021, Alessandro Tinaburri, also on Yamaha, and Carlos Checa on Can-Am Maverick X3 were beaten. In 2022 Andrea De Luna and Valentino Rocco will be on the podium, all Yamaha Yxz1000R SSVs at the finish line, albeit in different Group configurations. Finally in 2023 Yamaha wins again and a peremptory triumph for Ventura over teammate Rocco and third place finisher Andrea Tomasini.


Press office Italian Baja

photo E.Mainetti/C.Capone/V.Da Parè

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