Artugna Race, the home standard bearers are moving

01 March 2024

Pordenone, 1 March 2024_ the die is cast, to put it bombastically. But it's just a motor game played by Federico Buttò, Claudio Allegranzi, Sandra Castellani and Chiara Zoppellaro. Four standard bearers from Pordenone ready for the challenge on the dirt roads of the foothills that the Fuoristrada Club 4x4 is preparing: the Spring Artugna Race Italian Baja (15/16 March).


There will also be the national big names, obviously, to give depth to the race that opens the Italian season of Cross Country Baja and Ssv, but among the first to register were "the homegrown heroes", as it is best to define them in a competition that mixes sweat and grit, dust and jolts.


“I immediately signed up for the Artugna Race – confesses Buttò – to avoid arriving outside the maximum time like two years ago. I start the season with a great desire to race also because, according to rumors among us drivers, this year the Italian Championship will see a very large team including old acquaintances with a really heavy foot. I will race with the Can Am Maverick x3 and I hope to always have Alberto Marcon by my side, who has earned the 2023 navigator title in the SSV sector".


Allegranzi returns to the wheel of the Suzuki Grand Vitara T2, this time with Roberto Marzocco on the right seat. As much proven experience as a navigator as Castellani can demonstrate without fear of contradiction, who will dictate the notes to Maurizio Traglio announced at the start on the Nissan Patrol Y61, and Zoppellaro, eyes and "guide" for Andrea Debbi, given that sometimes the roles are reversed on the Daihatsu Rocky TD. While waiting for the appointment, the organizing committee is pushing for the debut of some specimens of R5, rally cars with off-road equipment, which could give new life to the specialty after the regulatory opening decided by Acisport.


Italian Baja press office

photo V.Da Parè

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