Italian Baja, sport and tourism go hand in hand

04 March 2020

Today meeting between organizers and hoteliers for a winning strategy

Sport and tourism often go hand in hand, especially when it comes to international events. In the case of Italian Baja, in addition to the conspicuous movement of enthusiasts shuttling between the various races, especially in Europe, there is a strong component of "visitors" made up of the hundreds of professionals linked to the competition. Drivers and navigators, team managers, mechanics, sports commissioners, logistics staff, race service and media operators: they are always there and will in any case come to Pordenone for the Bajas World Cup appointment with a significant induced for the hotel and restaurant activities in the area. As repeatedly pointed out in the press, independent studies commissioned by Cciaa, Ascom and Confcommercio, have certified the economic value of the challenge organized by the 4x4 Club 4 × 4 Pordenone, with a full number of rooms occupied in the hotels in the city and in the district. The Italian Baja 2020 is preparing to rekindle the race for reservations and this time it directly involves the categories concerned, especially in such an unfavorable situation as the current one. This afternoon at 3 pm a meeting is scheduled at the Tavella driving school, the logistics center of the 4 × 4 Pordenone Off-Road Club, which will be attended by the municipal councilor for tourism and production activities Guglielmina Cucci and the president of the provincial Ascom Alberto Marchiori. All hoteliers and operators in the tourism sector were invited to understand how this sporting event can represent a concrete job opportunity, a driving force for optimism and promotion of the territory.


Carlo Ragogna Italian Baja Press Office

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