The off-road vehicle for Claudio "Caco" Azzaretti

05 February 2014

The off-road vehicle for Claudio "Caco" Azzaretti was his way of understanding adventure and freedom, a stone's throw from home, in the splendid scenery of the "grave" of Cellina-Meduna between Cordenons and Zoppola, where he lived and worked at Friulformaggi of Cusano.


In 1993 the first Italian Baja was also one of his creations and for twenty years he followed the race with loving dedication as the head of the sector, Mauro Tavella's special advisor for tracing the routes and solving complicated passages. An incurable disease took him away last spring, leaving an unbridgeable void and now Zoppola and the Italian Baja want to remember him in a very special way. "He was an illustrious fellow citizen of ours - says the mayor, Francesca Papais - for his serious and industrious way of understanding work, family, sense of community and sporting passion. The municipal administration is pleased to join the Azzaretti Memorial as proof of departure for the Italian Baja 2014 and other collateral initiatives in his honor, including a significant fundraising in favor of the Ideal Standard committee, in support of workers' families. in difficulty".


Enhancing the territory is one of the key principles of the Off-road Club 4x4 Pordenone, of which Azzaretti was the undisputed promoter. Therefore, the presentation ceremony of the race will take place in the Municipality of Zoppola, Saturday 8 March, and work is being done to organize a meeting with young people on the subject of road safety on the same day, calling a top-level driver as speaker.


Carlo Ragogna Italian Baja Press Office

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