Italian Baja 2019 a plunge into people

07 March 2019

It will be Lignano Pineta to host the ceremony of starting grid positions. After the first Leg, vehicles will offer their parade by the GranFiume shopping centre and in the town of Brugnera. 


One of the Italian Baja’s constant aims is to promote its Land through a sport competition able to create and consolidate a strong economical return for all accommodation facilities, spreading the images of the region Friuli Venezia Giulia all over the World, thanks to the participation of challengers coming from all corners of the globe. Next June it will be the same.


After the opening Super Special Stage “Murlis” on Friday evening June 21st, from Zoppola to Cordenons, vehicles will reach the Tenda Bar in Lignano Pineta, the most glamour meeting point of this Summer tourist destination. At 9:45pm the ceremony of starting grid positions, as for the first Leg, with presentation of all racing crews. “We are happy to once more host the Italian Baja – affirms the Vice Mayor Alessandro Marosawhich comes back to Lignano, where the memories of its roaring challenge are still alive. Sport and tourism go arm-in-arm in our location and this relation becomes even closer when it deals on a great event, able to let our town be internationally much more appreciated”.


As it is quite complicated for spectators to reach the track on the Meduna, Cosa and Tagliamento riverbeds without a proper car, on Saturday 22nd the Italian Baja will reach also “common” people through two special events: a parade by the GranFiume shopping centre (which one week before will host the official presentation of the 26th edition), followed by a time control in the town of Maron di Brugnera with a further presentation of the protagonist crews. “Since many years the town hosts a Club which closely co-operate with the race organizers – explains the Mayor Renzo Dolfiand we decided to let increase the passion for Cross Country, adventure and open spaces. It will represent a moment of multicoloured feast, a vehicles parade with an hour pause, during which everybody will satisfy his own curiosity, even those people who never saw them in action, but for sure know them at least by hearsay”.


Carlo Ragogna Italian Baja Press Office


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