Everything is ready for the Spring challenge

22 March 2018

Thirty-nine crews entered. A double championship challenge begins


The die is cast, now we start getting serious again. The most delicious novelty of the 2018 tricolor off-road vehicle is the double championship challenge. The T1 (prototypes), T2 (production) and T3 (light quadricycles) vehicles competing for the Italian Cross Country Rally Championship, while the TMs divided into TM1 (prototypes) and TM2 (production) will give life to the absolute Italian Side By Side Championship . Thirty-nine crews entered the Italian Spring Baja.


Perhaps it was legitimate to expect greater participation at the start, but it is only the initial act of a sort of revolution for the specialty: once the seeds have been sown, you have to wait for the fruits to be born. Trivial as long as you want, but so logical when many are still at the window to understand how to move.


Meanwhile, the official opening to Ultra4 vehicles in the Cross Country Rally must be registered. After appearing at the Autumn Baja, the TX are now ready to flex their muscles in the race, as part of a separate Group. Pioneers at the debut were the Jimmy's 4 × 4 Ace-U4 of Parma's Piermarco Acerni and the Ultra Rock's of the Roman Fabrizio Venturini.


The number 1 assigned to the reigning champion, Elvis Borsoi, who finds Lorenzo Codecà as his main opponent, eight titles on the bulletin board and the desire to extend his curriculum of victories. Third inconvenience Andrea Tomasini, promoted to Suzuki official and outsider in the championship race.


Spring that also presents the surprise of the Hungarian Pal Lonyai at the start with a Porsche Macan. Slovenian Darij Novak instead, at the wheel of a Volkswagen Amarok. In the “one-off” contest Fabrizio Martinis on Nissan Patrol, a land rally driver lent to off-road vehicles. Riccardo Milazzo from Palermo plays his cards with a Great Wall Hover Wrc, in September he will be the organizer of the Terra del Sole bay in Sicily.


Among the curiosities, the young son of art Alessandro Altoé with the only Quaddy Yamaha T3, sailed by Bruno Fedullo, historical companion of Codecà's adventures. In Production, the Suzuki Grand Vitara challenge begins again between the winner of last season, Andrea Alfano, the winner of the last race, Alfio Bordonaro, the multi-titled Andrea Luchini, while Alessandro Trivini Bellini will have a Mitsubishi Pajero at his disposal. Proud representative of women at the wheel, Margherita Lops, also on Vitara ddis. Homologations expired, but vehicles still in good shape also those of Mauro Cantarello (Isuzu D-Max) and Gianluca Morra (Mitsubishi Pajero), leader of a team of competitors.


After a year of running in and the first title awarded to Mauro Vagaggini, from now on Side By Side will fight for the TM championship and the Pordenone rider will have to contend with the desire for redemption of the Turin Amerigo Ventura (both on Yamaha), the ambitions of the conductors of Polaris, from Franco Ricci to Lorenzo Traglio, the entry of Can-Am for now with only Fabrizio Pietranera.


Appointment for everyone tomorrow afternoon at the Pordenone Interport, at the Tavella Professional. Sporting checks from 2pm to 7pm, techniques half an hour out of phase. On Saturday and Sunday it is based at the Cantina di Rauscedo, where Ribolla Gialla and Villa Manin Rosso are record wines.


Carlo Ragogna Italian Baja Press Office

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