A shakedown from Italian Baja

16 February 2018

On 24 and 25 February two days of pre-season tests in Valvasone


The idea came to Gianluca Marotta, president of the cross country commission within Aci Sport. "We do a shakedown in Valvasone so we give riders and teams the opportunity to test the bikes a month before the start of the Italian Championship." Light bulb and electric shock of enthusiasm for the Off-road Club 4 × 4 Pordenone which immediately took action to make the initiative concrete.


TWO DAYS OF TEST. Saturday 24 (from 10:30 to 17:30) and Sunday 25 February (from 10 to 13) will take place at "Valvadrom" (1.5 km north of the Ponte della Delizia, on the SP27) two days of testing in one circuit ring of about 6 km. Everything is organized in detail, from the technical checks and stamping at the "Tavella Professional" at the Pordenone Interport, to the timing service that will also train new ranks of sports commissioners, to the medical and safety center on the track.


OFFICIAL AND NOT. The test includes official one-hour sessions reserved for Aci Sport licensees only and half-hour intervals as free sessions, in which the vehicles can also be used by unlicensed drivers, but fireproof clothing and safety equipment must be those provided for by the vehicle specific. A simple and direct way to involve possible new aspiring protagonists.


ACI SPORT SEMINAR. But could Mauro Tavella ever be surprised in terms of novelties and surprises for the off-road specialty? "Since we will have here in Pordenone almost all the drivers and teams of the championship - thought the general manager of Italian Baja, as well as vice president of the cross country commission - we will organize a seminar for the experts, involving the Federation, the organizers of the 6 rounds tricolors and permanent match officials ". So the appointment is on Saturday 24 February from 6.30 to 8 pm at the Tavella driving school in Viale Aquileia in Pordenone


Carlo Ragogna Italian Baja Press Office

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