Cominotto at the Baja riding Husqvarna

21 June 2015

Last year he took immediately advantage over all his challengers, riding a Yamaha Wr 450 which led him strictly to the arrival line of the race valid for the FIM Bajas World Cup.


It deals on Vanni Cominotto, biker from Dignano, a small town belonging to the Udine province which can be compared to a terrace facing the Tagliamento river, as the extraordinary scenery offered by the longest river of the region Friuli Venezia Giulia creates here a distance of over 3 km between the two banks.


This is the main theatre where the Italian Baja plays its role and it is not by chance if Cominotto can be considered one of its greatest main actors. He will line up this time with a Husqvarna 450 of the Motoclub La Marca Trevigiana. Nobody knows, maybe he will be faced again by his challenger Alessandro Ruoso, World Champion in FIM Bajas 2013. In the meanwhile, two irksome challengers could be the Spanish Oriol and Gilbert Escalé with their Honda Crf 450 R of the Bianchi Prata Team – Honda.


Carlo Ragogna Italian Baja Press Office

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