It is impossible to renounce our local race!

19 June 2015

Ruoso says yes: “It is impossible to renounce our local race!”


We have been waiting for him, we looked for him, we even flattered him. At last Alessandro Ruoso said yes to the Italian Baja, after hardly looking for sponsors until he found the fundamental support of the Offroadmotors managed by Angelo Montico, who was at his side also during the victorious race in 2013.


It couldn’t be possible for me to renounce our local race – explains the biker from Aviano – and I did my utmost to succeed in  concluding the operation. It is quite expensive to prepare a bike, also my “old” Yamaha 450, costs are high and I am trying to collect the budget for taking part in some marathon races. I would like to participate in the Africa Eco Race, the challenge which re-proposes the old Dakar track, among Marocco, Mauritania and Senegal. Now all my energies are applied to the Pordenone race, the date along the Meduna, Cosa and Tagliamento riverbeds”.


Carlo Ragogna Italian Baja Press Office

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