Italian Baja d’Autunno, the challenges on the pitch

11 November 2017

Between today and tomorrow there are five laps on the 26 km track that starts and ends at the Mosole di Valvasone quarry. The Acisport T2 and TM titles are still in the balance


The grand finale of the Italian Cross Country Rally Championship will be staged between today and tomorrow at the Mosole Cava in Valvasone, the operational base of the 4x4 Club Pordenone thanks to the good offices of the municipal administration and the Lupus in Fabula Association. The glories of the Ariete Observatory on the Cellina graves come to mind, when the headquarters of the Italian Baja world hosted the tent camps of the official teams of Citroen, Nissan and Mitsubishi. It is difficult to go back to those times, but the atmosphere at the Cava this weekend is truly magical for fans of clawed wheels. A concentrate of motoring emotions that brings the protagonists of the race face to face with the spectators, a sharing of the stage and behind the scenes between professionals and the public.


THE RACE TIMES. Today there are three passages on the selective sector “Lupus in Fabila” (26.60 km) with start at 9:00, 11:30 and 14:00. After the first lap there will be the award ceremony of the first ten places at the start of the second lap. Tomorrow the competitors will have to face the path in the opposite direction, with two passes on the selective sector "Mosole" with start at 9:00 and 11:30. Award ceremony from 2pm and then everyone at home.


DALMAZZINI VS BORSOI. The new Italian cross country rally champion, Elvis Borsoi (Toyota Toyodell), has a new opponent to tame, Andrea Dalmazzini (Suzuki Grand Vitara), fresh Italian dirt rally champion and in 2014 winner of the off-road championship. A duel with uncomfortable third parties Alessio De Angelis (Nissan Navara), Stefano Sabellico and Andrea Tomasini (also on Grand Vitara). Dalmazzini in the role of “enfant prodige”, Borsoi with the maturity of a team man.


BORDONARO VS ALFANO. Alfio Bordonaro from Catania has to attack without reserve, Andrea Alfano from Novara can run in defense. Up for grabs the T2 title, that of the vehicles derived from the series, and also the Suzuki Challenge. "We will try to face the race having fun and trying to give our best", pointed out the leader on the eve, adding that "fighting with the reigning T2 champions is a real pride for us since we are only in the second year in this specialty". Alfano has a substantial points advantage, but he is a treasure to be carefully preserved down to the last meter.


MARGHERITA. Whatever happens, it was a special year for Margherita Lops, Borsoi's partner and long-distance rival who discovered herself a good pilot. "I tried to refine my driving style a little since I'm still inexperienced - she admits without delay - and I will do my race without overdoing it because I believe that you have to drive with your head and not just with your feet. The important thing is to have fun otherwise there is no satisfaction and I like to point out that a great harmony was born with my navigator Giorgia Larosa ”. Lops third in the standings in T2, out of the top battle but free to seek the moment of glory in the duel between the two leaders.


VENTURA VS VAGAGGINI. Side by Side are the big news of 2017. They have increased the number of participants, given a show, brought lifeblood to the movement with future developments in the pipeline that will be revealed tonight in the cross country meeting at the end of the first stage. In March, after the first overwhelming victory, it seemed that the young Turin Amerigo Ventura was predestined to win the Acisport trophy. Now at the last round of the season we go to the field with Mauro Vagaggini in command of the TM ranking and determined to fight until the checkered flag. A challenge between Quaddy Yamaha without neglecting the remaining chances of Graziano Scandola with the Polaris Razor, which could subvert the predictions.


Carlo Ragogna Italian Baja Press Office 

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