Italian Baja di Primavera the start of the 2017 CI Cross Country Rally

02 March 2017

"Go where your heart takes you" seems to say the opening words of this new adventure, which marks the beginning of a relaunch operation for the Cross Country Rally specialty. Spilimbergo is the ideal promontory on the banks of the Tagliamento for spectacular challenges between fords and stones, facing the dangers of floodplain banks, but also an elegant lounge that will counteract mud and dust along the way.


Sports weekend with an unprecedented program, the one that will begin on Friday 24 March, with the sporting and technical checks of the competitors registered in the race to be held at the Student House, which will be followed by the distribution of the road book and the briefing with the crews.


The departure is scheduled for Saturday 25, in the suggestive location of the Cantina di Rauscedo, also home to the Service Park and the reordering in the first and second stages of the race. Competition that in the two rounds of development, will develop on the two timed sections entitled: "Ribolla Giallo", which will characterize the matches on Saturday, and "Villa Manin Rosso" theater of comparisons on Sunday 26 March. Both timed stages will have a development of twenty-five kilometers, but will be repeated several times by the competitors to form the race track which will have a total of one hundred and twenty four timed kilometers.


The arrival and the awards ceremony will be held on Sunday 26 March at 2.30 pm, in Piazza Garibaldi in Spilimbergo The competitors will be on board prototype off-road vehicles, Group T1; Derivatives from Serie, Group T2; improved - lightweight, Group T3; TH Group and TM Group


Carlo Ragogna Italian Baja Press Office

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