Spring Baja, poker of suitors

10 March 2017

Suzuki also works for Andrea Toro who challenges the very champion Lorenzo Codecà. Toyota for Evis Borsoi with his private luxury team. Guest Costel Casuneanu on a former official Mitsubishi.


Spring is upon us with all its load of renewing energy. It is true for plants and flowers, it also applies to the new Italian Cross Country Rally Championship ready to blossom after the most awake hibernation of the last twenty years. In the three winter months, old and new off-road interpreters confronted each other in chatter and plans to relaunch the specialty.


Mauro Tavella, vice president of the Aci Sport Commission for cross country and organizer of Italian Baja, gave certainties. Baja di Primavera (24/26 March), Baja di Mondo Cup (15/18 June) and Baja d'Autunno (10/12 November), will be the backbone of a championship race in six acts, with San Marino (14 / 16 July), Nido dell'Aquila (9/10 September) and Costa Smeralda (29/30 September), offering a variety of dirt roads.


News for competition coefficients, championship scores, titles to be awarded, capable of bringing new competitors closer and stimulating the most consolidated teams. Suzuki Italia has decided to re-propose a two-headed formation on Grand Vitara: the very champion Lorenzo Codecà (8 scudetti) challenged by Andrea Toro who in 1999 won the title of tout terrain. Elvis Borsoi from Treviso with his Toyota Toyodell is also preparing to play as a protagonist, as does the Romanian Costel Casuneanu, ready to face six trips from Bucharest at the wheel of an ex-factory Mitsubishi.


Carlo Ragogna Italian Baja Press Office

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