Artugna Race, an unprecedented sideways chance

13 March 2024

The Italian off-road vehicle opens up to rally cars in the R5/N5 version with the appropriate upgrades and so De Luna, Prosdocimo and Carniello from Pordenone will be at the start on a Skoda Fabia and Camporese from Padova on a Volkswagen Polo.



Pordenone, 13 March 2024_ Welcome news and guarantee of additional entertainment. The Italian off-road vehicle opens this year to rally cars in the R5 (prototype) and N5 (production) versions and at the Artugna Race Italian Baja di Primavera (Saturday 16 March) four cars will be seen in action with the appropriate increases, i.e. the adaptation of suspension and set-up to the needs of a more difficult track than normal dirt roads. Three drivers from Pordenone, namely Alberto Carniello, Andrea De Luna and Alessandro Prosdocimo, will be at the start with as many Skoda Fabia, while Roberto Camporese from Padova will have a Volkswagen Polo at his disposal. All-wheel drive and a lot of cavalry under the bonnet for the cars built in the Czech Republic, ditto for the German one derived from the series, a little less aggressive but still agile and high-performance. Certainly a challenge within a challenge for the three local drivers who know and respect each other, but they will compete to stay ahead of each other, with an eye on the overall ranking and that of their Group. The hope is that they will also return to the Italian Baja next July with a course on the riverbeds, where the level of difficulty is raised, perhaps finding further opponents. The "lectio magistralis" of Miki Biasion in 1996 is valid for everyone, when he was the protagonist of the world championship race on the Cellina-Meduna at the wheel of a Lancia Delta of Mauro Pregliasco's Astra team, climbing to the third step of the podium.


Italian Baja Press Office

photo V.Da Parè - C.Capone)

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