Double Italian Baja in the year of relaunching

03 February 2021

Double Italian Baja in the year of relaunching
Pordenone is confirmed to be the Off Road capital city
Mauro Tavella nominated Vice President of the Cross Country Rally Commission
Pordenone, February 3rd 2021_After a Season charachterized by hard sacrifices, all components of the motor Universe are champing at the bit to restart with trust and optimism. As for Acisport plans, 2021 will be the year of relaunching and a double Italian Baja confirms Pordenone as undisputed capital city for Off Road competitions. All the more so, considering the nomination of Mauro Tavella as Vice President of the Off Road and Cross Country Rally Commission, at the side of the President Gianluca Marotta but with an operating role aiming to give value to the agonistic components, pilots and teams looking forward to restarting. Appointment in March from 19th to 21st for the 2020 International Italian Baja which will open the Italian Championship, recovering the missing piece and in September, from 10th to 12th the Leg of the Fia World Cup for Cross Country Bajas.


Carlo Ragogna Italian Baja Press Office

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