3 continents, 18 nations, 71 registered crews

04 July 2022

Four intense days for the Italian Baja at the Interporto Pordenone


Pordenone, 5 July 2022_ Final preparations for the Italian Baja, stage of the Fia World Cup and European Cup, of the Italian Cross Country Baja Championship and the Italian Svv Championship. From Thursday to Sunday at the Pordenone Interport there will be a frenetic coming and going of the competing vehicles, with technical checks, shake-down, prologue and two stages in succession on the banks of Meduna, Cosa and Tagliamento. The scorching heat and the mugginess will only be extra difficulties for people used to overcoming obstacles in any situation.


Seventy-one competitors entered, coming from 18 countries and 3 continents (Europe, Asia, America). The furthest from Argentina, Brazil and the United States. The closest from Pordenone, passionate off-road interpreters inspired by the Italian Baja just a stone's throw from home. Europe is well represented throughout the arc, from Portugal and Spain, from France and Belgium, Holland and Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary. Attendance also from Great Britain, Lithuania and Croatia.


The race organized by the Off-road Club 4x4 Pordenone is a roaring and evocative “melting pot” like few others, an opportunity for exchange and comparison, promotion and showcase of the territory. This year, as stressed several times, female representation is also really important in terms of numbers, 8 drivers and 14 female navigators. A push for equality that accelerates change.

Other news of the edition Italian Baja 2022

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